Portuguese Fans Ready for U2’s Arrival

Since August that U2 have been presenting new songs on stage. Portugal should not be the exception.

Amplify’d from www.u2tourfans.com

Since August that U2 have been presenting new songs on stage. Portugal should not be the exception.

It is already known that U2 goes far beyond the mere concept of rock concert. When, in 1993, passed the Alvalade Stadium showed him, and in the XXI century it is no wonder that the tour they are carrying out, and passing this week-end in Coimbra, has reached levels truly megalomaniac . Even the health problems affecting Bono eased the band this summer, frequently defined as “the largest in the world.”

Although  U2 just passing through Portugal this week-end, to 360 Tour has been portrayed in the DVD 360 At The Rose Bowl , a concert attended by 97,000 people and was seen by more than 10 million in YouTube. The DVD show is the one Portuguese-ses may attend: a band that acts in the center of a gigantic structure to be viewed from all sides of the stadium.

Portuguese Fans Ready for U2’s Arrival 

Read more at www.u2tourfans.com