Win Your Own Copy ! U2 Fans Wanted !

We are in beta testing right now for our brand new forum application. We would like you to sign in and answer the following question.

We want to hear from you. Tell us in 500 words (not less than 300 please) what impact does U2 have on rock music today.

Now is your chance to share you thoughts on U2 and win your very own copy of ‘From the Sky Down” You can include for bonus how U2 has affected your life ?

Our forum is designed to allow you to share your passion of U2 music and the band. Sign in and under promotions you will see the contest for U2 Rock Music Impacts

No way to avoid heat in St Louis today

Drink lots of water -St Louis fans for a brace for a hot show tonight

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Fox News 2011 An excessive heat warning is in effect through Friday, with the high temperatures expected near 100 degrees Sunday. Though other events have either moved indoors or been canceled the last few days, U2 is expected to go on.